martes, 20 de mayo de 2008

Analytical essay


Australia is a big country and it is not a very popular country, it is important to should information and know about this part of the world. Australia provides different cultures, geographic, religions and most of interesting items.

First of all, Australia is a big country that limit with Asia and some islands. We find a lot of variety cultures and some type of religions; statistics shows that in Australia we find people to a lot of cultures like Asians, Indians Europeans and Americans.

Australia does not have a lot ok cases of abortion. However they have a position to erase the abortion in their country. The government makes different plans to decrease the abortion, they create ideas to offer a women security, and they provide free anticonceptives like condoms and pills.

On the other hand, other countries that offers better opportunities to work. In many cases not of people know about this country, so many people prefers to go to countries like the United States, France or Italy.

To conclude, Australia is a country that provides much kind of opportunities, to work, travel and studies, so it is important to know about this country, and to learn about the different items that offer this country. Australia shows much kind of thinks, which is import ant to learn about it.

lunes, 5 de mayo de 2008

Crime in Australia

Principal murders in Australia

This are the principal persons who commit a murder in the past years in Australia.

Martha Rendell (1871-1909)

Lindsay Hoani Beckett (1974)

Leslie Alfred Camilleri (1969)

Keith George Faure (1951)

John Wayne Glover (1932-2005)

Craig Minogue (1962)

Bradley John Murdoch (1958)

John Myles Sharpe (1967)

martes, 22 de abril de 2008

Australian Famous people...

Kylie's Minogue Biography

Kylie Minogue was born in Melbourne, Australia, She is the oldest form three sisters; she is a famous pop singer and she started her career on the television, so this way helps to recognize her in Europe and Australia. Her first son was Loco-motion, which she record when worked in a television program. At the last year she recorded approximately four albums that are famous in Europe, Asia, and Australia.

At the 2005 she was suffer a very bad illness, doctors detected a mama’s cancer, so she ended all the concerts and her carrier for a long time. Then she passes for surgeries and quimiotherapy for her recuperation. After that she started a plan to defend and to help people that have different kind of cancers.

Around the 2006 and 2007 she came back to the famous live, she organized a lot of concerts and presentations because her best friend did a movie that express the live and all the process to the recuperations of the Minogue’s illness.

Kylie Minogue is a wonderful person who represents the struggle and effort you have to do to get ahead before an illness as cancer. She collapsed at any moment and strives to exit ahead with the support of both Houses us as their fans.

At the moment she is a person known and very important for all the donations and efforts to help people suffering from cancer. For this reason she has been recognized in many countries and has won the admiration of many people around the world

martes, 8 de abril de 2008

Abortion in Australia...


The abortion surgery was the must common around the 1990 to these years. “Around 80.000 women undergoing abortion every year” Comparative with other countries the Australian abortion is low. Different statistics shows that the Australian people “support the idea of safe and legal abortions”.

About the legal actions regard to the abortion, exist two different points. First of all, the rules and legislation prohibit the abortion surgery, but in many cases, the rural doctors didn’t respect this rules and practice the surgery.

“Around one in three Australian women will undergo an abortion”. The typical profile is a woman that age on 20´s, single with well education. Many of the pregnant are not for accident; around this years exist many things to protect in a sex relation, like the condoms, birth control pills, etc, that prevent the pregnancy. But in many cases the sex is not voluntary, the alcohol, drugs, violation, etc didn’t gives the opportunities to reaction and use a contraceptive precautions.

Other thing that is important to keep in mind is that in many cases the abortion procedure are not safely and much of the times women reduce the future fertility. “Currently, abortion is one of the safest medical procedures in Australia”.

sábado, 5 de abril de 2008


The realities started around the world in the 90´s, in the USA, to include a new TV programs to the conservative and original television. Realities like the Pussycat dolls have many aspects that should change. The idea is to expose the different points of view about this kind of new TV programs.

First of all, the realities should change the world in order to create a new TV programs. The realities imposed a massive movement, especially to the teenagers. The idea of the realities is to impose a different form to do TV and to capture people. For example, the Pussycat dolls or American Idol try to capture a big group of people to all ages and this programs have the must level in audience.

On the other hand, some people argue that this kind of programs aren’t teach to their kids because this TV programs didn’t have a good use of vocabulary and images; most of the realities shows violence acts that infer in the children’s that are looking TV. Besides realities often have bad ideas or very superficial ideas that interfere with the proper development of children.

Taking into account both sides of this issue, are important because the idea to create a new TV programs are good but in some cases the recommendation is to use better vocabulary and images, and try to show more educational subjects for the TV audience.

martes, 18 de marzo de 2008

For politics...

Australia is conformed around the constitutional democracy. The structure that Australian government uses is a constitutional monarchy. The government is divided in three parts: in first place the legislative, that is conformed by the representatives and the senate; secondly is the executive, that is conformed for the councilors (the prime minister and the ministers of state); and finally the judiciary that is conformed by the federal courts.
Australia is composed of two political groups, one is the Australian labor party, and on the other side is the Liberal Party. The Australian labor party was founded in 1891, through the ideals of defending all the Australian people that need to be benefit with all the resources and all the persons receive them equally, have dignity and respect and receive equal opportunities.
Liberal party was founded around the 1943; through the ideals of economic liberalism.

Religion in Australia....

Australia has no country-wide established religion, though most of the official churches in all cases including the Catholic Church. Christianity is the predominant religion in Australia, divided between 63.9% Christians and 1.2% other religions. Around 2006, statistics demonstrate that 64% of Australians were Christians, 26% were Roman Catholic and 19% Anglican.Other types of religions that we can find in Australia are the indigenous Australian traditions, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, but are practice by a minority.

The food...

Australian food was influenced by the British cuisine, because they were the first to colonize the australian territory.
Some of the food that is often associated with Australia includes meat, vegetables and pies. The most popular plates are the meat cake and for dessert the Pavlovian cake, which consist in a refreshing cake with fresh fruits such as kiwi and peach.

domingo, 9 de marzo de 2008


The first influence to the Australian culture was by the “anglocelit people”. Since some years before the Australian culture was influence by the USA people and for the Asian nearby countries. Australia is characterized by the visual arts, movies, music and television among others.Australians are very friendly and helpful people. They live around the costs, because the inside of the country is mostly deserting and off course there’s lack of water. Most of the people practice different kinds of sports like rugby, surfing, fishing, swimming in general because most of them have the opportunity to go very often to the beach.